Competition Committee, IT Chair
Jørgen Brandt
IT Chair 2023-
Judging Committee 2013-
Judging Committee Chair 2014-18
Governor 2013-17
Web: Sensual-Art.dk
For me, photography is a way of life, a job and a hobby – and the boundaries are often fluid or non-existent.
The light and form must always be there and must support the image. As a photographer, in my personal images, I work more and more with the abstract, perhaps closer to abstraction, where things become “more” and often “other” than they are.
Been a mentor for photographers from, among others, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia, France, etc.
Has taught and lectured on photography in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Japan, Latvia, France, UK, Sweden and more.
President, Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) 2012-14
Chairman of the Jury, FEP Photographer of the Year 2011-18
Chairman of the Jury, World Photographic Cub 2016-18
Co-founder & Governor 2012-17 World Photographic Cup
Qualification Judge FEP 2008-
Chairman of the Board, Museum of Photographic Art, Odense, Denmark, 2006-13
Awards, selection:
Master QEP – Master Qualified European Photographer (http://www.europeanphotographers.eu)
The Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) Certificate is awarded to photographers who have demonstrated an outstanding command of their craft.
Supreme qualified master>photo-dk (https://dff-photo.dk/) awarded in recognition of outstanding, creative and technically perfect work within a chosen specialty. The work must be individual and express a particularly personal style, just as the approach to the subject is expected to be characterized by originality.
Fellow British Institute of Professional Photography (bipp.com)
Technical ability at the highest level, crafting images to an uncompromised standard. Demonstrating excellent all-round technical ability, preparation and production of flawless mounted prints clearly showing personalised style and creativity.
FEP Fine Art Nude Book Prize 2020 for the book 3 x 3 x 3 SENSUALITY, EMOTIONS, TRANSFORMATION
Photographers Jorgen Brandt, Pascal Baetens, Martin Vrabko. This work highlights the creativity of three photographers while remaining true to the collective work of the artists as a group. The layout and printing are excellent and enhance the quality of the nudes.
FEP Merit Award 2018 in recognition of meritorious service rendered in his position as Chairman of the FEP Photographer of the Year Competition 2011-18
Warren Motts International Service Award 2015
(Professional Photographers of America – ppa.com)
Warren Motts International Service Award is presented to individuals who have made major contributions in promoting and developing professional photography on an international level. The award is not necessarily conferred each year, and a maximum of 25 may be given. Given to the members of the founding Governing Committee of WPC.
Acted as a judge/chief judge in image competitions in Denmark, Sweden, Europe (FEP), for the EU, Spain, France, Australia, China as well as in a pan-Nordic Competition etc