Noboru Okamoto
1958 Born in Osaka Japan
- 1983 Graduated Kwansei Gakuin University Japan
- B.A. in Business Administration
- 1986 Graduated Brooks Institute U.S.A.
- B.A. in Professional Photography Portrait and Color technology
- Awarded Merit of Excellence from Portrait Department
- 1995 Photo Exhibition at Embassy of the Russian Federation in Japan
- 1996 Selected Art Collection of Kwanseigakuin University Library Japan
- 1997 Photo Exhibition at Sogo Art gallery Japan
- Professional Photo seminar at Korea and China
- 2004 Professional Photo seminar at China
- 2009 Professional Photo seminar WPPI JAPAN
- 2010 Professional Photo seminar at China
Owner Photographer OKAMOTO STUDIO CORPRATION. Studio established 1902. My great grandfather established our studio 1902. I have been interested in photography since before I was born. Professional Photo seminar at over Japan every year since 1987. Introduced by Japanese Domestic TV, Radio, and Magazines.
Vice president Professional Photographers of Japan