Truls Jan Lötvedt
Email: truls.lotvedt@gmail.com
Truls Jan Lötvedt is born in Bergen, Norway, growing up with both grandparents and father working as photographers.
Since 1978, and from 1985 also as CEO, he has been working in the family firm as photographer & cinematographer, only interrupted by serving his military duty.
He succeded in obtaining his Crafts Certificate in 1987.
Ever since starting his professional career, Truls has also been engaged in organizing work, and has held a variety of seats in the local Guild, the Norwegian National Photographers Association and since 2018 as President of FEP, Federation of European Professional Photographers.
Truls is a family man, raising four sons together with his wife Elin, and now enjoying the company of seven grandchildren (2024 figures) 😉
Milestones :
1980- Board member of the Bergen photographers Guild
2000-2009 Chair (oldermann) of the Bergen photographers Guild
2008-2012 Board member of the National Photographer’s Association NFF
2012-2020 Chairman of the National Photographer’s Association NFF
2013-2017 Regular “guest” in any FEP event arranged
2015-2022 WPC Team Captain for the Norwegian teams
2018- President of FEP, Federation of European Professional Photographers